HeadLOK Structural Wood Screws

Headlok Structural Wood Screws are engineered for heavy duty wood construction tasks such as SIP Panel construction, nail board attachment, and multi-ply beam connections. HeadLOK flat head fasteners require no predrilling and offer higher design shear than 3/8" lag screws.

Typically ships in 1-2 business days

The FastenMaster HeadLOK Structural Wood Screw is a flat head screw engineered for a wide range of heavy duty wood construction applications including:
• Structural Insulated Panel construction
• Stress Skin/Timber frame connections
• Deck framing
• Stair stringers
• Two, three and four ply beam connections
• Hanging cabinets

HeadLOK Screw Features
• Sharp gimlet point for fast, one step installation into wood and OSB.
• Aggressive 2” thread for holding and withdrawal strength.
• Spider Drive design provides 8 points of contact, which reduces the potential of stripping.
• One Spider Drive bit is included per pail.
• Wafer head eliminates the need for a washer and offers dramatically increased pull through strength.
• Self drilling for most applications.
• Low profile head does not "Telegraph" through cover layer.
• Chamfer under head for increased strength.
• Highly corrosion resistant.
• American Made.

HeadLOK Benefits
• HeadLOK fasteners replace 3/8" lag screws for many applications.
• Complies with national building codes.
• Suitable for both pressure treated applications and exterior applications.• Wide Head for increased loads without the need for a washer.
• Specifically heat treated to maximize strength while maintaining ductility.
• 2" of thread for greater holding strength.
• Spiderdrive offers great bit engagement.

HeadLOK Screw Installation Tips
• HeadLOK should be installed using a high torque, 1/2" variable speed drill (18V if cordless).
• Drive the HeadLOK head flush to the surface.
• No predrilling required when proper end and edge distances are maintained.

HeadLOK Screw Guarantee
• HeadLOK is guaranteed not to rust or corrode for the life of the project. The fastener has also been tested and approved for use in ACQ.
• HeadLOK is not recommended for saltwater applications.

Product Resources
HeadLOK Screw Product Guide
FastenMaster HeadLOK Catalog Page
OMG FastenMaster HeadLOK Guarantee of Performance
Technical Report - Use of HeadLOK Fasteners to Attach Cladding to Wood Framing through Foam Sheathing
Technical Report - Use of HeadLOK Fasteners to Provide Stud to Top and Bottom Plate Uplift Attachment
ICC ES Evaluation Report
Safety Data Sheet - Fastenmaster Fasteners

Product Questions

Product Questions

  • Can I still get 16" Headlok screws?

    Unfortunately, Fastenmaster recently discontinued the 9-1/2", 15", 16", and 18" Headlok screws.

  • What's the difference between the HeadLOK screw and the TimberLOK screw?

    The head is the biggest difference between the Headlok and Timberlok screws.  The Headlok has a flat head that lays flat on top of the surface of the board.  The Timberlok has a hex head that countersinks into the board.  Other attributes such as the shank diameter, coating, and thread length are the same.