Perma-Chink Armor Guard Borate Powder
Perma-Chink Armor Guard Borate Powder is a water-soluble inorganic borate salt for the protection and treatment of wood, wood products, and wood-foam composite structural components against decay fungi and wood boring beetles including Powder Post Beetles, Furniture and Deathwatch Beetles, and Old House Borers and Longhorn Beetles. Armor-Guard performance can be enhanced to treat mold and stain fungi by the addition of an appropriately registered fungicide to the treatment solution. Armor-Guard should not be applied over an existing stain or finish. If your log home stain or finish is physically or chemically removed, Armor-Guard should be applied to the bare wood before another stain is reapplied.
Perma-Chink Armor Guard Borate Powder Features & Benefits:
• Can be used on all wood and wood composites.
• Provides a shell of protection around all treated wood.
• Will prevent and kill termites, carpenter ants, wood boring beetles and wood rot.
• Does not interfere with the application of high quality wood finishes.
• Easy to mix and apply.
• Colorless.
• Labeled for home owners to use.
• EPA Registered.
Perma-Chink Armor Guard Borate Powder Protects Against:
• Wood Decay Fungi.
• Powder Post Beetles.
• Furniture Beetles and Deathwatch Beetles.
• Old House Borers.
• Longhorn Beetles.
• Subterranean, Dampwood, and Drywood Termites.
• Carpenter Ants.
Perma-Chink Armor Guard Borate Powder Application Methods:
• Low pressure sprayer.
• Brush.
• Duster.
Perma-Chink Armor Guard Borate Powder Coverage Rate & Dry Time:
• Approximately 200 square feet / pound.
• Armor-Guard dries within 24 hours.
Perma-Chink Armor Guard Borate Powder General Application Instructions:
• Armor-Guard is permanent in wood that is kept sealed, but it does need to be re-applied after stripping old finishes and before applying a new finish.
• Application Temperature - 40° to 90°.
• Armor-Guard may be used as a solution, powder or foam.
• Two applications of 10% solution or one application of 15% solution can be typically applied to wood surfaces by brush or spray.
• Application of the solution may also be made by drilling and then injecting under pressure into sound wood or the galleries of infested wood.
• As foam, Armor-Guard may be applied directly to wood surfaces or injected into insect galleries or wall voids.
• Armor-Guard powder can also be injected into wall voids such as between studs, block voids, box sill, eaves, attics, soffits, etc.
• Apply powder at a rate of approximately 0.5 ounces (12 - 14 grams) per square foot.
Perma-Chink Armor Guard Borate Powder Application as Pre-Treatment:
• Spray, foam or powder/dust applications of Armor-Guard may also be made to wood during construction.
• Apply solution to all accessible surfaces of bare wood at a rate of approximately 5 gallons per 1000 square feet of wood surface area.
• Application should be performed after framing and roofing are in place and before insulation and dry wall are installed.
• Avoid spraying electrical components.
• Protect treated wood from excessive rain.
• End-cuts of wood may also be treated by the application methods listed above, or by 1 - 5 minute dipping in Armor-Guard treatment solution.
Perma-Chink Armor Guard Borate Powder Application as General Insect Control:
• Armor-Guard powder may also be used as a crack and crevice and void treatment for general control of insects such as Roaches, Silverfish, Earwigs, Crickets and Ants. Armor-Guard 15% aqueous solution may be used as a crack and crevice treatment only.
• Dust Armor-Guard powder into wall voids and hiding places such as in cracks and crevices, moist areas, openings around pipes and sinks, under refrigerators, behind baseboards, coffee makers, meter boxes and manholes. No powder should be visible in living areas after application. Any powder visible after application must be brushed into cracks and crevices or removed. Apply only in areas inaccessible to children and pets. Avoid contamination of feed and foodstuffs. Do not use in serving areas when food is exposed.
• Application of Armor-Guard powder or 15% aqueous solution is limited to crack and crevice treatment only in food areas of food handling establishments. Apply Armor-Guard powder or a 15% aqueous solution between different elements of construction, between equipment and floors, openings leading to voids and hollow spaces in walls, equipment legs and bases where insects hide. Care should be taken to avoid depositing the product onto exposed surfaces or introducing the material into the air. Avoid contamination of food or food processing surfaces.
• Applications of this product in the food areas of food-handling establishments other than as a crack and crevice treatment are not permitted.
Perma-Chink Armor Guard Borate Powder Shelf Life:
•Armor-Guard has a 5 year shelf life.
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easy to mix
Just a note: It seems this product is mixed at 1lb per gallon. That's 2 of the cups in the bucket per gallon to make it a 10% solution. From Permachink: Armor-Guard – Add the volume of water you plan to use into a pail (do not attempt to mix product in a sprayer) and then add Armor-Guard powder at a rate of one pound (2 of the scoops that are included in the 17 pound pails) per gallon of water. It helps to agitate the water as you slowly add the Armor-Guard. Keep agitating until there are no visible lumps and the solution begins to clear. Allow any undissolved particles to settle to the bottom of the pail then decant the clear liquid into your spray tank. Do not leave unused solution in your sprayer overnight. The borate will drop out of solution and block up the sprayer. The label on the bucket was not nearly as clear.
Product Questions3 questions
Product Questions
Can I put on Armor Guard over my existing stain?
Armor Guard is a borate powder that is best used before staining. The best time to do this application is after the house has been washed and is still wet. Armor Guard can be mixed and sprayed onto the wood and then allowed to dry before staining. Do not use this product after the house has been stained.
Can this product be mixed with stain and applied in one step?
Unfortunately, Armor Guard will not work well if you mix it into the stain. When you apply the borate/water mix to a wall, the borate chemical works by seeping deep into the wood fibers. That way when a wood-ingesting insect eats borate-infused fiber, the borate will kill the insect.
By contrast, most stains work by forming a coating over the surface of the wall. That is, the wet stain mix will leave behind a thin coating that protects by acting like a flexible coat of armor on the outside of the wood. By mixing the borate in a separate step from the stain, you allow it to get behind the stain coating and protect the wood from the inside. -
Will borate mix kill carpenter bees?
Unfortunately it will not. Borate-based mixes work great against wood ingesting insects. However, because carpenter bees do not ingest the wood, borate mixes are not effective against them.
Our company would recommend considering pyrethroid-based contact insecticides such as Bug Juice or Bee Gone as they have been proven to be effective against carpenter bees. These contact insecticides begin to work as soon as the insect comes into contact with the treated surface.