1x6 White Pine Plain Bevel Siding

Prices are Listed Per Linear Foot (lf).


1x6 White Pine Plain Bevel Siding Specifications:
• Alternate Names: Clapboard Siding
• Installed Coverage: This siding can be installed at a variety of widths based on desired exposure.  It is most often installed at a 4 1/2" or 5" exposure.
• Total Height: 5 1/2"
• Thickness at Siding Top (Tip): 1/8"
• Thickness at Siding Bottom (Butt): 1/2"
• Grade: NeLMA Premium Grade
• Surfacing:
Reversible board with one light rough textured face and one smooth face
• Available Lengths: 8', 10’, 12’, 14’, and 16'. This product is available in random length piece counts only.
• Typical Weight: 1/2 lbs. per linear foot
• Recommended Fasteners:
Stainless Steel Nails or Screws
• Cutting Waste: We recommend allowing approximately 5%-10% cutting waste for walls and 15%-25% for gable ends depending on the roof angle.
• Hewing Option: Hand Hewing is not available with this profile.
• False Corners Option: False Corners are not available with this profile.
• Shipping Options: Flat-bed tractor trailer, Roll Back, LTL Carrier. Shipping method is determined based on location and order size to minimize cost.
Details Disclaimer: While we strive to ensure product details are always accurate, product specifications may change and images shown may not represent current dimensions. Please call us if you would like to receive an up-to-date profile drawing.

1x6 White Pine Plain Bevel Siding Coverage Calculations
You can calculate the coverage for this siding using our Tips page: How Do I Determine How Much Lumber I Need? Please call us if you would like a free takeoff for your project as well.

1x6 White Pine Plain Bevel Siding Resources
NeLMA Siding Installation Guide

1x6 White Pine Plain Bevel Siding Preparation Information
Our Kiln Dried 1x6 White Pine Plain Bevel Siding is ready for installation once received on your jobsite. However, wood will shrink and swell with any changes in moisture content and weather. According to NeLMA, to minimize dimensional change after installation, install siding at a moisture content that matches with local climate as closely as possible. If climate in a particular region causes wood to maintain 8% to 13% moisture content annually, then the most ideal siding would be installed at a moisture content within that range, and the material would be stored, stickered and protected for a week to ten days prior to application.

1x6 White Pine Plain Bevel Siding Maintenance
As with every unfinished exterior wood, applying a quality finish to all surfaces (including the ends) is recommended. An exterior finish protects the wood from moisture absorption and UV degradation, and helps prevent staining caused by mold and mildew. On occasion, the siding may have a mill glaze that is produced when the material is manufactured through the planer. When mill glaze occurs, it is recommended to remove it by pressure washing the wood or sanding prior to staining. Sanding is not recommended as a first option unless every piece is sanded. We offer a wide selection of Oil and Water Based exterior finishes that we can recommend based on the final finish, maintenance schedule and look that is desired. Most exterior finishes do have to be re-coated or reapplied every 3 -5 years depending on the UV exposure to your home. You can find all of the exterior stain products that we carry at our Exterior Stains page.

1x6 White Pine Plain Bevel Siding Storage Prior To Application
Until installed, all log siding needs protection from direct sunlight, water saturation, snow, ice, dirt, and other elements. It is best to store the siding flat and off the ground with a vapor barrier so that moisture is not absorbed through the bottom boards of the stack. The siding should be protected with a waterproof covering elevated in the center so that water does not pool on the cover. We also recommend that you do not completely seal the bundle, as good air circulation is required to prevent any blue stain or molding. Ideally, the siding should be stored in an enclosed building such as a garage prior to use.

More Information
Product Questions

Product Questions

  • What is a rabbetted bevel?

    This term refers to the notch along the bottom edge of the beveled siding board. This notch gives the board a continuous level surface along its bottom face, which makes it easier to keep level when it's being installed. A bevel siding with a rabbeted edge generally costs a bit more than plain bevel siding which doesn't have that edge, but it can be a worthwhile option to help make the installation faster.