Gorman Spruce S4S Trim Boards

Prices are Listed Per Linear Foot (lf).

Lumber Size

Gorman Spruce S4S Trim Product Specifications:

Available Lengths: 8’, 10’, 12’, 14’, and 16’. Specified piece counts are available depending upon current stock at time of order.
Grade: Gorman Elite (Premium #2)
Texture: Sanded on four sides (S4S). Features a slightly rounded eased edge that reduces splintering.
Drying Type: Kiln-Dried
Fastener Type: Stainless Steel Finish Nail
Typical Weight: 1.5 lbs per board foot
Dimensions: Our trim boards are cut to Standard Dimensions, which means that the board’s finished dimensions will be slightly smaller than its nominal dimensions. For example, a finished 1x4 S4S trim board will net ¾” x 3 ½”.
Shipping Options: Flat-bed tractor trailer, Roll Back, LTL Carrier. Shipping method is determined based on location and order size to minimize cost.

Product Resources:
Softwood Export Council's Softwoods of the Western USA
Softwood Export Council's Western Softwood Species and Grades

Coverage Calculations:
You can calculate the coverage for the amount of trim needed for your project by using our Tips page: How Do I Determine How Much Lumber I Need? Please call us if you would like a free takeoff for your project as well.

Preparation Information:
Our Kiln Dried Gorman Spruce S4S Trim is ready for installation once received on your job site. However, wood will shrink and swell with any changes in moisture content and weather. According to WWPA, to minimize dimensional change after installation, install Gorman Spruce trim at a moisture content that matches with local climate as closely as possible. If climate in a particular region causes wood to maintain 8% to 13% moisture content annually, then the most ideal tongue and groove would be installed at a moisture content within that range, and the material would be stored, stickered and protected for a week to ten days prior to application.

With any unfinished interior wood, applying a quality finish to all surfaces (including the ends) is recommended. An interior finish protects the wood from moisture absorption and UV degradation, and helps prevent any finger stains caused by touching the unfinished wood. On occasion, the trim boards may have a mill glaze that is produced when the material is manufactured through the planer. When mill glaze occurs, it is recommended to remove it by sanding prior to staining or clear coating the wood. Sanding is not recommended as a first option unless every piece is sanded. We offer a wide selection of Water Based Interior Finishes that we can recommend based on the final sheen level and look that is desired. Most interior finishes do not have to be re-coated or reapplied depending on the UV exposure to your home. You can find all of the interior stains and finish products that we carry at our Interior Stains page

Storage Prior To Application:
Until installed, all Gorman Spruce needs protection from direct sunlight, water saturation, snow, ice, dirt, and other elements. Ideally, the trim boards should be stored in an enclosed building such as a garage prior to use. It is best to store the trim boards flat and off the ground with a vapor barrier so that moisture is not absorbed through the bottom boards of the stack. If stored outside, the siding should be protected with a waterproof covering elevated in the center so that water does not pool on the cover. We also recommend that you do not completely seal the bundle, as good air circulation is required to prevent any blue stain or molding.

Product Questions

  • Is Gorman a grade of Spruce?

    "Gorman" is the brand name of spruce boards from Gorman Brothers Lumber in British Columbia. Gorman Brothers grades to their own proprietary grades, which are generally stricter than the corresponding WWPA Grade.

    Gorman also adds an eased edge to the corners of their trim boards, which is softer to the touch than a board with a traditional squared edge. Consequently, Gorman has become so well known throughout the industry that retailers frequently market boards from Gorman Brothers by their brand name.

  • What is an eased edge?

    The term "eased edge" refers to a rounding of the edges of a piece of lumber. This makes it smoother, which is sometimes prefered for interior boards.


Gorman Spruce S4S Trim Product Specifications:

Available Lengths: 8’, 10’, 12’, 14’, and 16’. Specified piece counts are available depending upon current stock at time of order.
Grade: Gorman Elite (Premium #2)
Texture: Sanded on four sides (S4S). Features a slightly rounded eased edge that reduces splintering.
Drying Type: Kiln-Dried
Fastener Type: Stainless Steel Finish Nail
Typical Weight: 1.5 lbs per board foot
Dimensions: Our trim boards are cut to Standard Dimensions, which means that the board’s finished dimensions will be slightly smaller than its nominal dimensions. For example, a finished 1x4 S4S trim board will net ¾” x 3 ½”.
Shipping Options: Flat-bed tractor trailer, Roll Back, LTL Carrier. Shipping method is determined based on location and order size to minimize cost.

Product Resources:
Softwood Export Council's Softwoods of the Western USA
Softwood Export Council's Western Softwood Species and Grades

Coverage Calculations:
You can calculate the coverage for the amount of trim needed for your project by using our Tips page: How Do I Determine How Much Lumber I Need? Please call us if you would like a free takeoff for your project as well.

Preparation Information:
Our Kiln Dried Gorman Spruce S4S Trim is ready for installation once received on your job site. However, wood will shrink and swell with any changes in moisture content and weather. According to WWPA, to minimize dimensional change after installation, install Gorman Spruce trim at a moisture content that matches with local climate as closely as possible. If climate in a particular region causes wood to maintain 8% to 13% moisture content annually, then the most ideal tongue and groove would be installed at a moisture content within that range, and the material would be stored, stickered and protected for a week to ten days prior to application.

With any unfinished interior wood, applying a quality finish to all surfaces (including the ends) is recommended. An interior finish protects the wood from moisture absorption and UV degradation, and helps prevent any finger stains caused by touching the unfinished wood. On occasion, the trim boards may have a mill glaze that is produced when the material is manufactured through the planer. When mill glaze occurs, it is recommended to remove it by sanding prior to staining or clear coating the wood. Sanding is not recommended as a first option unless every piece is sanded. We offer a wide selection of Water Based Interior Finishes that we can recommend based on the final sheen level and look that is desired. Most interior finishes do not have to be re-coated or reapplied depending on the UV exposure to your home. You can find all of the interior stains and finish products that we carry at our Interior Stains page

Storage Prior To Application:
Until installed, all Gorman Spruce needs protection from direct sunlight, water saturation, snow, ice, dirt, and other elements. Ideally, the trim boards should be stored in an enclosed building such as a garage prior to use. It is best to store the trim boards flat and off the ground with a vapor barrier so that moisture is not absorbed through the bottom boards of the stack. If stored outside, the siding should be protected with a waterproof covering elevated in the center so that water does not pool on the cover. We also recommend that you do not completely seal the bundle, as good air circulation is required to prevent any blue stain or molding.


Product Questions

  • Is Gorman a grade of Spruce?

    "Gorman" is the brand name of spruce boards from Gorman Brothers Lumber in British Columbia. Gorman Brothers grades to their own proprietary grades, which are generally stricter than the corresponding WWPA Grade.

    Gorman also adds an eased edge to the corners of their trim boards, which is softer to the touch than a board with a traditional squared edge. Consequently, Gorman has become so well known throughout the industry that retailers frequently market boards from Gorman Brothers by their brand name.

  • What is an eased edge?

    The term "eased edge" refers to a rounding of the edges of a piece of lumber. This makes it smoother, which is sometimes prefered for interior boards.